- Job Search Agents/Alerts
- BioExcange
- Career Pulse
- Personal Job Scout from NationJob
- Science
- ScienceJobs
- Job Listings
- Adsumo
- Bio Online
- BioBums - free to list and search for jobs
- BioCareer
- BioExchange: browse or search
- BioFind
- BioInsights
- BioJobNet
- BioMedNet
- BioSpace
- BioTaq
- BioView
- Career Builder (ScienceBiotech)
- Career Pulse
- FutureBioJobs
- GenomeWeb
- HireBio
- HireRx
- LifeScienceWorld
- Medzilla
- New Scientist
- OneScience
- Science
- ScienceJobs
- Yahoo!
- Places to Post Your Resume
- AdvancingWomen.net
- Altavista - general
- Bio Online - biotech; private
- BioCareer - biotech; public
- BioJobNet
- FutureBioJobs
- Medzilla - biotech; private
- OneScience
- Recruiters Online - general; private
- Biotech Recruiters
- Aeroteck Scientific
- CareerRx - an executive search firm for the biotech industry
- CareerTrax - biotech career consultants
- Lucas Group
- MRBiotech
- 123Genomics - a genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics portal
- BioBums - job postings (free), links, and discussion boards
- BioExchange - life science portal with job info
- Biohealthmatics - biomedical informatics career portal
- Bioinform - A bioinformatics magazine with career resources
- BioInsights - trainng and recruting services for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries
- Bio-Link - NSF funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Center for biotechnology
- BioMedNet Jobs - job listings; requires free registration for full access; can respond online
- BioSpace - biotech news; company profiles; job listings
- BiotechFind - biotechnology search engine
- Biotechnology Industry Organization - over 300 corporate profiles
- Biotechnology Yellowpages from NetSci - company summaries and web links
- Biotechnology Companies from Yahoo!
- BioView - job listings, resume posting, company profiles, and biotech news
- Career Pulse - job listings and search agent; medically oriented
- EngineeringSalary - salary calculator for engineers with detailed info for various types of engineering careers.
- GenomeJobs
- HireBio - biotech job listings
- HireHealth - Biopharmaceutical career site
- HireRx - pharmaceutical job listings
- JobScience
- JustBiotechJobs
- Medzilla - resume posting; job search; some articles
- Nature Technology Corp - employment links
- OneScience - life science professional resouce offering jobs, career insight and news for the biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries
- PharmaceuticalJobs-USA
- Professional Network from Science magazine - job listings and job search agent
- ScienceJobs - job search site from BioMedNet, Cell, and New Scientist
- Scientific American Career Center
- SciJobs.org - crawls company websites for job postings; service of OneScience.com
- SciWeb - life science resources, patent abstracts
- Stanford Rose Associates - biotech recruiters for the Bay area
- SymbiosInc - sort of a biotech search engine for job seekers
- UCD Biotechnology Training Grant
- Young European Biotech Network - career service for European biotech students and young professionals General Career Sites
- America's Job Bank is an online job database
- Career Builder
- The Career Connection has job listings, resume posting, interview and career advice
- Career Magazine has career/job hunting articles
- Career Mosiac has an employer/job database, usenet searches, and resume posting (free)
- Career Path is for searching newspaper employment ads
- Career Planner from Geocities; can search for jobs and post resume (free)
- Career2.com - large collection of well organized career links
- CareerOne - Australian career site
- DegreeDirectory.org - Search for colleges, universities, and career education programs across the nation and online.
- The CV Store - CV writing service with free tips and lots of tools and advice for jobseekers
- E-Span Career Center
- FlipDog
- Florida Career College - medical training programs
- ForwardYourResume - comparison of resume distribution services
- Head Hunter - can search for jobs; post resume (free)
- The Help Wanted Network - search job postings and resumes placed on newsgroups
- HotJobs
- IndustryNET has a job search and resume posting service (free)
- The Internet Job Locator is an online search for job listings; can place resume (free)
- JobHunt comprehensive, well organized list of job resources
- JobSpin
- JobTrak - includes resume and interview advice
- NationJob
- NationJobSearch - free, non-commercial job search website
- Netguide's career page
- Online Career Center
- Recruiters Online - general job hunting advice, job searches, resume posting
- RecruitMilitary - career resources for military veterans
- Resumes and Cover Letters - links to both free and professional resume writing and editing services.
- Salary.com - compare average salaries for different positions and different cities
- Monster Board
- WomensJobSearch.net - career advancement for professional women, with free, anonymous resume posting
- Yahoo Classifieds including scientific positions in California
- Salary Info
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